It’s no surprise that shared hosting is constantly under attack for various reasons. Many of these reasons are simply false. You may find yourself on a forum, Facebook group or website such as Reddit asking for hosting advice and you’ll be greeted with some common shared hosting myths.
Your post or comment may start out with good intentions on asking for basic advice however, will very quickly get inundated with various remarks claiming shared hosting is bad, slow or that you should immediately get a VPS. A lot of this advice is really not in your best interest and should be avoided.
Myth #1: Shared hosting performance
The number one complaint you may hear others mention is the performance of shared hosting. You’ll often be told that shared hosting is slow, or that servers are overloaded and your website will suffer or even that the fact that it’s shared hosting just means your website will be slow.
Shared hosting performance being slow is often a false assumption usually by those who either have something to gain by pointing you in another direction or they themselves have simply had issues in the past. Generally, as long as the shared hosting infrastructure itself is properly managed by a competent web hosting company, you should not experience performance issues. You’ll want to ensure that your website is however, properly optimized and running at its best. Performance of shared hosting is one of the most common shared hosting myths out there.
Myth #2: Scale
Being able to scale resources on a shared hosting plan is often stated as not possible, at lease from those who are ill intended or simply aren’t familiar with the subject and/or technology. We can scale your shared hosting plan from a very small entry level plan with 512MB of RAM for a very small site to a semi dedicated hosting plan with 8GB of RAM within seconds. If your website is getting or is expecting to get a surge of traffic and/or users, you can scale up your hosting plan instantly from within your account with us.
Myth #3: VPS is better
This is the most common second to performance issue claims. With the hosting plans that we offer, we also offer semi dedicated hosting which is a good middle ground between a regular shared hosting plan and a full blow VPS. In many cases, we find that you mostly end up needing more resources such as RAM, CPU and storage as opposed to a whole VPS. When this is the case, a semi dedicated hosting plan is the best fit.
Myth #4: Security
Another misconception about shared hosting is that it’s less secure than a VPS or other hosting technology. This assumption is typically wrong and in some instances can be dangerous advice. In most cases, as shared hosting plan is usually actually more secure than trying to manage your own VPS without the proper experience. By blindly following advice to manage your own VPS when you don’t have the experience, you could actually be opening your website and server up to potential hacking and malware. Issues. We do offer fully managed vps plans for those who prefer to use a VPS that is managed by us.
In terms of security, all of our shared hosting, reseller hosting, WordPress hosting and semi dedicated hosting plans offer account level isolation by using CloudLinux. This ensures your hosting account is completely isolation from other customers, making it virtually impossible for one account to access another, including any type of hacking or malware. In addition to that, we deploy various WAF’s (Web Application Firewall) to ensure proper protection at the server level from bad actors. Lastly, our servers, network and managed services are all managed by experienced IT professionals who know what they’re doing; this is the most important part.
Myth #5: Uptime
The last of the shared hosting myths that we’ll discuss here is uptime. Often you may see people stating that shared hosting may suffer more downtime than other services. This really depends on the provider and the level of expertise and/or care that is provided. Properly maintained shared hosting servers really do not suffer any more downtime than any other possible service and certainly not just because it’s shared hosting. We maintain 99.99%+ and in many cases 100% uptime on our servers excluding maintenance tasks. We achieve this by ensuring our shared hosting servers are properly managed.
If you have any web hosting questions please feel free to reach out to us. We're happy to help.